Quickly compare growth, cost, capex and profitability to know which industries will thrive
Do you operate or invest in multiple industries around the world? Need clear, reliable market assessments locally and globally? Want to know how industries rank across geographies? Leverage standardized industry and country data to quickly compare the performance of 105 industries across 75 countries based on activity, sales, profits, costs and risk. Access 20-year forecasts, historical data back to 1980, scorecards, country summaries and industry rankings to quickly compare sector performance within and across countries over time. Sector risk ratings for industries available and provide a weighted series of ratios to help determine industry risk.
- Compare, rank and size markets
- Identify and manage risk
- Optimize portfolio investments
- Quantify sector impact of financial and economic change
- Benchmark company or fundamental performance against industry data
- Forecast by industry or country
- Identify demand drivers and growth opportunities