Maximize your seafaring operations with the industry’s largest maritime database.
Sea-web is the ultimate maritime reference tool, with more than 600 data fields on over 220,000 ships of 100 GT and above. Maritime & Trade, which evolved from the publication Fairplay and its joint venture with Lloyd’s Register, enhances Sea-web by leveraging its position as the sole global issuing body of the IMO ship, company and registered owner numbering system. The industry’s largest maritime database, Sea-web features multiple, separate modules that integrate detailed information on ships, companies, builders, ports, movements, fixtures, casualties, performance, security and more into one online platform. It features seven levels of ownership and more than 290,000 owners, 300,000 companies, 16,000 ports and 116,000 ship photographs. Marine equipment and insurance companies, ship owners, brokers, builders and managers, and port services and security, as well as oil majors use Sea-web to: